Friday, April 26, 2024

NGDPLT peg calculations for Q1

(copied from GitHub)

NGDP was $28,284.5 billion, per Table 3 (p. 9), line 1, column 6 of the advance GDP report, which came out today yesterday (Thursday 2024-04-25) at 1330Z (8:30 AM EDT). Per CoinGecko XCHUSD was approximately $30.32 as of that time. Token price calculations are as follows:

2007Q4 NGDP = $14715 billion (base)
2024Q1 NGDP = $28284.5 billion (current)
Inflation factor = 1.05/yr
N yrs = 16.25

$/NGDPLT = (28284.5/14715)/(1.05^16.25) = $0.8699
$/INGDP = 2-0.86833 = 1.1301
$/XCH = 30.32
XCH/NGDPLT = 0.8699/30.32= 0.02869
XCH/INGDP = 1.1301/30.32 = 0.03727

Prices on TibetSwap are close, based on transactions I did this morning. I expect to put in more orders soon to adjust prices more precisely. Peg offers to defend these targets should be up within a few days. Peg offers will remain up for about a week after being posted.

1 comment:

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